A West Coast Monday
Heard an interesting sound this morning as I was standing in my kitchen. A sound not normally heard at this time of year but considering the climate I found it quite appropriate.
It was a distinct quacking sound. One that was made, I can only assume, by a duck.
Now normally I wouldn't think too hard about something like this but at 6:30 in the morning, with the sun all blocked out by the thick rain clouds, it just fit perfectly. I almost expected to exit the front door and witness the little fowl gliding down the river of water passing our house.
Sadly this was not to be and it's quacking disappeared not too much later. Probably just a passing quack on his way to a central quacking station. Even more of a downer was the fact he didn't take the wet falling stuff with him. It did stay as I made my way out the front door. Oh is the joy of the wet, I mean west coast.
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