Movies awaits a better picture
Arrgg matey, there be only a couple of days until the pirates take over the theaters. Joyous over the top summer fun is at hand, so it be a good thing you can see a little better now.
I just recently found on the web some information on a new type of TV set. With all the talk of high definition picture with two competing formats and two different types of TV sets, now there is another one coming into the fray.
Right now the standard TV set uses the old technology of a single tube as a screen. Going to a big screen allows for some upgrading to three separate guns to project an image on the screen, but still the old technology.
Then we come to the LCD and Plasma style of TV sets. These allow for a sharper picture and wider image, providing you have the proper input from either a High Definition broadcast source or DVD. These TV sets have been seen as small as 7 inches and have grown to over 60 inches in size for your viewing pleasure. Now with the breakthrough of LED technology, TV sets are growing to 120 inches in size. Now the viewing of such a large TV set is best from a minimum of 5 meters so unless you have a real big room its unlikely this will be sitting on your average home's wall. It's when this technology is used on smaller sizes that the real advantage comes through. Unlike LCD and Plasma TV sets, LED sets have a more vivid picture. Brighter colours and picture screen so viewing in brighter rooms pose little to no problems. This will allow for a sharper picture from your high definition source and thus a more satisfying viewing experience. Now all this wonderful technology doesn't come cheap, but as we've all seen, prices do come down as time goes on. Just more information to chew on.
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