Sunday, May 04, 2008

Whoa...Time flies

Where did the time fly. I just noticed that it has been just over two years since I first wrote something on this blog space. Now mind you I haven't been writing as much as I should, it has been fun nevertheless.

Hopefully this will change. I will make room in my daily schedule to think about writing something. I will then reflect upon this and take the next step by sitting my butt down in front of the computer. Now that 2 steps are down the third step should be approached. The actual writing, but what to write.
Do I make it witty or profound? Do I make it reflect the growing I am doing internally or just make up some random bullsh_t and hope it comes across witty or profound? Do I reflect on the present political climate and the intrastucture of society as we know it today, or the ongoing economical struggle within the structure of the working man? These are all valid points to bring up.

So I pledge this to you, I will write more. Be it total crap and a waste of the thousands if not millions of electrons that are needed to present this on the monitor, or it will be so uplifting and entertaining that .... oh who am I kidding. I'll just write whatever and see where the crap falls.


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