Monday, February 19, 2007

A West Coast Monday

Heard an interesting sound this morning as I was standing in my kitchen. A sound not normally heard at this time of year but considering the climate I found it quite appropriate.

It was a distinct quacking sound. One that was made, I can only assume, by a duck.

Now normally I wouldn't think too hard about something like this but at 6:30 in the morning, with the sun all blocked out by the thick rain clouds, it just fit perfectly. I almost expected to exit the front door and witness the little fowl gliding down the river of water passing our house.

Sadly this was not to be and it's quacking disappeared not too much later. Probably just a passing quack on his way to a central quacking station. Even more of a downer was the fact he didn't take the wet falling stuff with him. It did stay as I made my way out the front door. Oh is the joy of the wet, I mean west coast.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's Just Tuesday

Haven't posted for awhile. The hamsters in the brain have been lazy. Then I got thinking which in itself can lead to something not normally associated to me.

Now we have come upon the second day of the week. No fanfare, no applause. Just a normal day. You can't even give it a nickname. Not the dreaded Monday, nor the favourite Friday. Not even a hump day. Although it may be Hump Day Eve, that just doesn't sound right. But think of the presents in the stocking, nudge nudge say no more.

No Tuesday is a rather bland day. The week may have already started yesterday, and all the rough moments have been taken care of. Excuses can be used on Monday because it is just that, Monday. Tuesday does not have that luxury. It's Tuesday so you had better be ready to get on with it. No weekend blahs, no mid-week lows, no end-of-the-week excitement. Just Tuesday. Now sometimes it gets to be the first day back from a long weekend, replacing the Monday. Only it is a temporary day and after a long weekend the same hatred usually associated with Monday is lessened by the fact that it is a short week and that less days are needed to get to the weekend once again. So Tuesday is sort of just dealt with.

What Tuesday needs is a little pick-me-up. Something that makes us all look forward to it. Something that makes fighting through Monday worth while. Something that makes us sad when the day is done. Something like Won-Ton Tuesday, where everyone gets a bowl of won-ton soup. OR Hug Tuesday, where everyone gets to hug someone they haven't hugged before. This one would lead perfectly to Hump Wednesday.

So think about it and maybe our collective minds can come up with something that will make Tuesday a real nice enjoyable day. This may be a ramble, but when isn't it.